Monday 4 May 2020

Day of the dead

For this activty we had to answer questions.
By Brennan


  1. KIa ora Brennan, It is interesting to learn about traditions from other cultures. You presented your information in a clear format usisng a bold font and well spaced questions and answers. I am sure others will learn form your work.

  2. Hey Brennan,
    Wow you know a lot about The Day of the Dead. Did you enjoy learning about it? Would you like to go to Mexico and see the Day of Dead celebrations?
    I think it would be fun but maybe a but scary too.
    Keep up the great work,
    Mrs Gully

  3. Hey Brennan, Rhys here from T1. Nice post Brennan, It's always nice when people share their knowledge on their blogs! Maybe next time you could have explained you activity a bit more and also made it a bit tidier by having the answers on a different line. Stay safe!

    - Rhys

  4. cooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllll


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