Persuasive writing
Have you been in an airplane for more than 10 hours well a
big airplane because one of the biggest airplanes in the world is
going to go out of business and that plane is the A380 because
they cost too much to run and because of fuel cost.but how will
the government travel around the world and were will all the
money go when they disappear and I don't want that to happen
because I really want to go on one because of how big they are
and that is why i would like to go on one.
big airplane because one of the biggest airplanes in the world is
going to go out of business and that plane is the A380 because
they cost too much to run and because of fuel cost.but how will
the government travel around the world and were will all the
money go when they disappear and I don't want that to happen
because I really want to go on one because of how big they are
and that is why i would like to go on one.
Reason one:The A380 is so big it costs to munch to run and to
munch money to build it something around 15 million dollars to
build or something around that price.
munch money to build it something around 15 million dollars to
build or something around that price.
Reason two:The A380 is so big that it can comfort 2,800
People and it is 845 square metres big that is bigger than a
Reason three:The A380 is ten years old and that isn't very old
but I get how big it is but what about the government getting
around the world in style.
but I get how big it is but what about the government getting
around the world in style.
I think that these reasons are good enough to keep the A380
alive and I think that's why I think the A380 should stay alive.
alive and I think that's why I think the A380 should stay alive.
Persuasive Writing Success Criteria
- Opening question
- Opinion/Reason
3 Reasons
- Each paragraph is one idea supported with your reasons/facts
- This ties back/recaps back to the introduction
Highlight evidence of linking words.
This is good persuasive writing I liked this writing next you can do more facts.
I think next time I can add more facts into my work and I will try really hard
to put in more facts all the time.
to put in more facts all the time.